Saturday, August 6, 2011

So I did the raw diet for 7 days.  I didn't lose any weight.  I really thought I would so this was very depressing.  But on the upside I felt great, I loved it so I'm going to continue.

I went on vacation for 3 days and eat crap and I felt like crap.  So today I'm starting raw food again today.  I'm really going to do a lot of juicing.  I make this juice out of a head of romaine lettuce, 2 cups of spinach, an orange, a lemon, and 2 apples.  It is so good, I look forward to it. 

I'm really looking forward to doing this and I hope to convert my family to it.  I realized that I'm poisoning my children by giving them the processed crap I feed them.  I am realistic, I don't think that they will be 100% raw nor do I think I will but we will be as much raw as we can be.  I really want my husband to do this but I think he will be the hardest one to convert.  But I'm going to do it. 

I'm not sure why I didn't lose any weight but I don't care.  I know that this is the way to go.  I'm committing to this for 30 days starting today.

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