Monday, February 28, 2011

I started working out again today.  I have had somethings that went against my desire to workout; I got sick, had shin splints, construction, and last week my kids had the stomach flu.  But I'm back working out although it was a struggle to do it.  I almost didn't.  I sat around coming up with all the reasons why I can't do it, I'll do it tomorrow.  Finally I decided to just do it.  I knew I would feel better afterwards and be proud of myself.  Plus it was only going to take me an hour.  I want to do more than just the one workout but I need to start out slow.  Once I get this workout down and I'm feeling better about working out I will start to add.  So I did the one workout.  I'm proud of myself for this.  I'm really trying to breakout of my old habits that have kept me fat and away from the life I want. 

I know that this isn't an exciting post but neither is my life.


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