Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 2

Day 2 has gone pretty well. I lifted weights and rode my bike. I have done pretty well on my eating too. So, Yeah for me!

I had a house full of neighborhood kids today. I'm pulling my hair out. I swear they come blowing in like a tornado and blow out just as fast leaving a trail of wreckage in their wake. My yard is a mess because of them. I asked my kids to help clean it up and they just complain. UGH!!!

I talked to my sister in NY, we are both Weebles. We're starting a Weebles support group. Right now it's just us, but, hey that's OK. She should be coming here and posting soon too. I'll let her introduce herself.

Well, that was today. No biggy, just me, a piggy! (sorry, I had to rhyme).

Tomorrow's another day, another path, watch your step.


1 comment:

  1. Yesturday went well until the middle of the night. I hadn't eaten much for dinner, I wasn't really hungry. I took my iron pill as ususal but because I didn't have anything on my stomach the pill made me sick. I was in a lot of pain, the pill was ripping my stomach apart. I started eating anything just to give my stomach somthing to do. At 2:00 in the morning, after spending hours trying to fall asleep through the pain, I got up and ate half a bag of Ruffles Sour Cream and Onion potato chips. That did the trick and I was finally able to fall asleep.

