Saturday, May 1, 2010

Why I'm a Weeble!

I bet you think I'm a weeble because I'm short and round. If that's the case, then yes, your write. But that's not all.

I like to think of myself as a person who may get knocked down but who always gets back up.

Life has been a trip sometimes. Things have happened to me that could have kept me down. But I've picked myself up, dusted myself off, and started all over again.

In a few months, I will turn 40 years old. I'm scared! In my youth, I had all these dreams of what I wanted to do with my life. The easy part was the dreaming, the hard part was the doing. I never quite made all of my dreams come true. On the other hand some have come true.

An example of a dream that came true is wonderful family. I have a great marriage with and incredible husband and we have 4 wonderful little Jedi boys in training. We own a house and I get to stay home with my boys. I make Sterling Silver Jewelry. Which I want to make into a business but I've realized that I'm not very good at the business part. Just something to work harder on. I have an attention problem. Can't focus very well. I'm working on a website right now, so if your interested check out It's a work in progress. I'm learning to take photo's of my jewelry. The pictures on the site are horrible. I'll figure it out. Soon I hope.

At this moment, I've been knocked down by my weight. "Hello, my name is Shelleigh and I'm fat!" I've spent the past 10 years letting my weight stop me from fallowing my dream. Well, no more. It's time to over come my weight. You see, I love to do Theatre and to sing, but because of my weight I have stopped doing those things. I hate to go out in public. I'm completely embarrassed. I find any excuse to stay home, locked away. I've let my weight make me a non-Weeble and I have allowed myself to get knocked down by my weight and not get back up. So now it's time to find the Weeble inside of me and bounce back up. "Weeble's wobble but we don't fall down!" This is my motto. You can't keep a Weeble down.

I'm using this blog as my journal for my weight loss adventure. I'm not sure where I will end up but I'm ready to take the first steps.

"When you choose the very first step of the road you also choose the last, so if you don't like the end of the road, you know you better back up, you know you better back FAST!" Well, I don't like the end of this road so I'm backing up and choosing another road. I keep this saying in my head to remind me that every chose I make has a consequence. Will I be happy with where I end up once I make that choice? I guess we will see.

Come and join me on my journey. All Weebles fallow me.


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